Development of a Portable Bio-sensing Platform for Medical Research


  • Develop an open-source bio-potential platform paired with a smartphone application.
  • Evaluate the platform in NHS trusts as part of a clinical medical device trial focusing on performance testing.

Additional Funding

  • £8,000 MRC Proximity to Discovery: Industry Engagement Fund
  • £4997 Faculty of Science and Technology’s Research Impact Fund
  • £2800 EPSRC Vacation Bursary Scheme
  • NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio


Named grant holder; Clinical study design and management; Hardware and software development oversight; Data acquisition (NHS Trusts & Uni Lab); Data Evaluation; Reporting outcomes.

Methods Used

Biosensing hardware; Co-design workshop; Questionnaires; Cognitive assessment; Eye tracking; 3D Printing; Android SDK. Additional Roles Chief Investigator; Co-Investigator

Dr. David Luke Elliott
Dr. David Luke Elliott
Data Scientist

My interests include data science and machine learning.
