Dr. David Luke Elliott

Dr. David Luke Elliott

Data Scientist

RBC Brewin Dolphin


I am a motivated and sociable data scientist, educator, and coach. I am passionate about the practical applications of data science and machine learning, with an aim to educate and inspire others to use these skills to tackle real-world challenges. I have been a coach to a range of individuals (career starters to Vice Presidents and Directors), from some of the world’s best companies, to support them becoming high-performing analysts and data science professionals.

I have experience organizing and delivering undergraduate and master’s university courses that covered topics such as data science, machine learning, analyzing and interpreting data, and research design. I also successfully obtained multiple funding grants (Google, MRC, NIHR, and the EPSRC) to develop world-class automatic seizure detection models and a portable bio-sensing platform, and conducted other applied machine learning and neuroscience research.

In my current role as a data scientist, I work with a range of stakeholders to understand their needs, designing and implementing data-driven solutions, and communicating the results of analysis. I play a key role in improving the data culture within the organization by promoting data-driven decision making and building a culture of data literacy.

  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Neuroscience
  • Drumming & Music
  • Reading
  • Gaming
  • Rock Climbing
  • PhD in Applied Statistics, 2020

    Lancaster University

  • MSc in Developmental Disorders (Distinction), 2016

    Lancaster University

  • BSc in Psychology (1st Class), 2015

    Lancaster University


Machine Learning

Feature Engineering, Dimension Reduction, Hyperparameter Optimization, Classification, Regression, Forecasting.

Data Visualization

Seaborn, Matplotlib, ggplot2, Microsoft Power Bi.


TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Pandas, NumPy, PySpark.

Hypothesis Testing

Multilevel Models, ANOVA, T-Test, Correlation, Power Analysis.

Signal Processing

Time Series Analysis, Wavelets, Fourier Transform, FIR/IIR Filters, Changepoint.


Tidyverse, Tidymodels, Shiny.


Excel, SQL, High-Performance Computing Cluster, Google Cloud, Databricks.


RBC Brewin Dolphin
Data Scientist
May 2022 – Present London, UK
Responsible for developing new capabilities for the business using data science and machine learning techniques.
Data Fellowship Coach
Jan 2022 – May 2023 London, UK

Designed and delivered workshops as part of a Level 4 Data Fellowship apprenticeship. I was a personal data coach to 42 highly impactful apprentices, who worked on projects that lead to outcomes such as…

  • Recovering over £5 million from a new billing process.
  • Saving $100k on a contract renewal using data analysis in negotiation.
  • Automated reporting to save 4 hours a week on manual processes.

Average Performance Metrics:

  • Coach Satisfaction: 5.5/6
  • Workshop Satisfaction: 4.8/6
  • Apprentice NPS: 52
  • Manager NPS: 70

Administrative Roles:

  • Member of the End-point-Assessment, Curriculum, and Social teams.
School of Mathematics, Edinburgh University
University Teacher in Mathematical Sciences Computing
Aug 2020 – Jan 2022 Edinburgh, UK

Delivered Masters and Undergraduate level Statistics/Computing courses to a combined total of over 1000 students in Course Organizer, Lecturer, or Tutor/Teaching Team roles (see Courses for details).

(Co-)supervised 26 Masters Projects:

  • Anomaly Detection with Bayesian Neural Networks (Partnered with Lloyds banking)
  • Statistical Models of Officer Commuting Time and Visiting Time (Partnered with Capita)

Administrative Roles:

  • Post-Graduate Statistics Exam Editor
  • ASA DataFest 2021 (Co-organizer)
  • Personal Tutor for 30 MSc Students
Department of Mathematics and Statistics/Psychology, Lancaster University
Graduate Student Researcher
Oct 2015 – Aug 2020 Lancaster, UK

Funded primarily via an ESRC (NWDTC) studentship, my research focused on developing hardware, software, and advanced quantitative methods for portable neurological monitoring of patients with epilepsy. The two main research projects were (see Projects for details):

  • Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Discharges in Extra-cranial Electroencephalography
  • Development of a Portable Bio-sensing Platform for Medical Research

Gained Associate Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) whilst hired as a Teaching Associate for Masters and Undergraduate Psychology courses (see Courses for details).

Additional engagements include:

  • Research associate applying new methodological techniques to environmental data.
  • Post-graduate student representative for the Faculty of Science and Technology Research Ethics Committee.
  • Co-supervision of two undergraduate research projects in Psychology and Computing and Communications.
  • Member of Lancaster’s Data Science Institute and PROSPR (Promoting Open Science Practices).
Applied Behavioral Analysis Services
Aug 2014 – Jul 2015 Lancashire, UK
Privately contracted ABA mentor using behavioral reinforcement to support a teenager with Autism.


Machine Learning Workbooks

Machine Learning Workbooks

A series of workbooks for teaching machine learning in Python.

Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Discharges in Extra-cranial Electroencephalography

Automatic Detection of Epileptiform Discharges in Extra-cranial Electroencephalography

The use of machine learning algorithms for the detection of epileptic seizures.

Development of a Portable Bio-sensing Platform for Medical Research

Development of a Portable Bio-sensing Platform for Medical Research

An open-source bio-potential platform paired with a smartphone application.



I’ve played drums in several metal/punk bands.

Seizure Detection Tutorials

Seizure Detection Tutorials

A series of tutorials teaching the use of Python for epileptic seizure detection on open-source datasets.




I designed and delivered workshops for a Level 4 Data Fellowship () appenticeship programme to employees of the following companies (and more):


I have delivered Masters and Undergraduate level Statistics/Computing courses in Course Organizer (CO), Lecturer (L), or Tutor/Teaching Team (TT) roles:

Edinburgh University


  • MATH08077: Introduction to Data Science (CO/TT)
  • MATH11176: Statistical Programming (TT)


  • MATH11205: Machine Learning in Python (L)*
  • MATH11203: Introductory Probability and Statistics (CO)
  • MATH11176: Statistical Programming (TT)
  • MATH11008: Probability and Statistics (CO)
  • MATH08077: Introduction to Data Science (CO/TT)**

*Individually nominated for “Teacher of the Year” and “Outstanding Innovation in Digital Teaching” in the Edinburgh University Students Association Teaching Awards (SATA’s).

**Course nominated for an “Outstanding Course” award in the SATA’s.

Lancaster University

2017/19 & 2019/20

  • PSYC401: Analyzing and Interpreting Data (TT)
  • PSYC214: Investigating Psychology (TT)
  • PSYC207: Personality and Individual Difference (TT)

Other Professional Activities


  • IDCOM Seminar
  • PyData Lancaster
  • North West Epilepsy Interest Group
  • Lancaster University Digital Health Exchange
  • Lancaster University Data Science Group

Workshops & Events

Journal Reviews

  • Statistical Methods in Medical Research


Workshops & Courses




Although I do not currently play in a band (previous bands), I still listen and rate a wide variety of music.


Interested in non-fiction with recent favorites including: Calling Bullsh*t; Deep Medicine; The Four; Bad Blood; The Body: A Guide for Occupants; Doing Justice.


Fan of story driven videogames, tabletop RPG’s (I DM a D&D game), and other social gaming.


Regularly rock climb and have grades in skiing and trampolining.
